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Blocks of the Month > Sacred Geometry Block of the Month

Sacred Geometry Block of the Month

Sacred Geometry Block of the Month


Sacred geometry?  What is THAT?  The Urban Dictionary defines Sacred Geometry as “the underlying geometry in nature.  Example:  the Fibonacci sequence, the seed of life, the flower of life, the tree of life.  One can see sacred geometry in naturally occurring ratios in our bodies, plants, seashells, spiral galaxies, sunflowers” and more.

In Reeze Hanson’s latest Block of the Month, we will explore various forms of sacred geometry as we build our blocks each month.   Each pattern will come with a brief explanation of the significance and symbolism of the block, with inspirational sketches and how-to techniques.  In the end, we’ll have an exceptionally unique, almost reverent showcase of various forms of sacred geometry.  And if that description is too esoteric for some, it’ll be one gorgeous quilt that one won’t need to appreciate math to enjoy the beauty.

Join us on this 10-month journey as we explore the mysteries of the underlying geometry in nature, starting with the flower of life in Month #1.  This will be a 10-month program, beginning in March 2022, but you can jump in anytime.  We recommend joining Reeze’s Morning Glory Designs’ Facebook Block of the Month group, for tips, tricks, and to see everyone else’s quilts as the program progresses.

This will be a large quilt (65” x 77”) with lots of gorgeous batik fabrics on a background of solid black and tonal black for the Fibonacci sequence (the curved part of the background).  Your cost per month will be $ 38 which includes all the fabrics for the top, the pattern each month, and postage.  We hope you’ll join us on this month’s adventure!  Click the “subscribe” button below to join.  With great regret we must let you know we are unable to ship kits outside the USA.  Postal costs have become prohibitive and even asking you to pay part of that cost, it nearly doubles the cost of the kits for most locations.

Click the "subscribe" button below to join us on this journey: