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Southwest Sunrise Block of the Month

Southwest Sunrise Block of the Month


It is our great pleasure to partner with Reeze Hanson of Morning Glory Designs to bring you this unique quilt. It was love at first sight when we saw the initial design, and as the quilt has been tweaked and refined, our love for it has grown.

For 12 months, you will receive a kit and pattern to assemble this quilt in easily manageable sections. Along with that you’ll receive the story behind the symbolism represented by each block. “Southwest Sunrise” calls upon symbols and cosmology of many Southwest Tribes: The Zuni, Pima, Navajo, Hopi, Pueblo, Apache and Tohono O’Ohdam. The iconography of each tribe’s belief system has become associated with this region of the United States, even among the non-Native Americans who live in the Southwest. When completed, this quilt will tell a story – a story about hope, about women, and the ties that bind us to Mother Earth. It is a positive story with a happy ending – and a gorgeous, meaningful quilt. 

As always, there is no registration fee and postage is included in your monthly fee of $ 30.  We apologize to our international customers, but because of changes to USPS policies and pricing, we are not able to offer this program outside the USA at this time.

NEW:  If you prefer to purchase the complete quilt kit at one time, please click HERE.

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